Clarify your tax position
Cityside Valuers specialises in providing property valuations for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes to accountants, financial planners and everyday Australians.
Our expert valuers have decades of experience providing objective valuation reports using industry best practices, helping you reliably forecast your tax obligations.
Our reports are ATO compliant and written using simple language, ensuring the valuation approach is clear and understandable. Each report is carefully peer reviewed for accuracy and quality.
Our API certified valuers undertake comprehensive market analysis and research to ensure you do not pay more tax than necessary.
Cityside Valuers provides CGT valuations for a range of property classes throughout the Greater Sydney Region, including all types of residential property, and smaller assets such as car spaces and storage units.
Our valuers benefit from access to Australia's largest property information databases, years of local experience and industry leading quality assurance practices. We routinely provide accurate and reliable CGT valuation reports to investors and their accountants.
In over twenty years of providing CGT valuations across Sydney and regional NSW, we are proud to report that we have never had a valuation contested by the Australian Tax Office.
Capital Gains Tax is payable on profits achieved from the sale of an investment property purchased or acquired after September 19, 1985. A CGT liability generally occurs when your capital gains exceed your losses.
A property is exempt from CGT while it is your principal place of residence. If you rent out your principal place of residence, you may need to pay some CGT. It is advisable to obtain a market valuation at the time the property is first rented out for investment purposes. CGT may also apply on property that is gifted.
CGT Valuations can be undertaken retrospectively. If you are unsure if you require a CGT valuation report, we recommend speaking with your accountant or financial planner.
Place an order or request a quote through our website. We will contact you promptly to confirm our fee and arrange access to the property. If your property has been sold or access is no longer possible, the valuation will be undertaken externally.
Our CGT valuation reports are issued within three business days of the inspection date. Please contact us directly if your matter is more urgent.