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Market Valuations

Get the right price

In a continually fluctuating property market driven by many and varied influences, it takes genuine expertise and experience to establish fair market value for real estate assets.

Cityside Valuers has more than two decades experience providing property valuations and advice across Sydney. Our people have a genuine passion for delivering reliable results – whether for sales, purchase, taxation or family matters.

Unlike a real estate agent who may have a vested interest in appraising your property, our API certified professional valuers are entirely impartial. We use current market data, research insights and expert analysis to provide unbiased assessments of fair market value.

We are respected experts for assessing residential property assets, with a reputation for providing quality reports, honest advice, and friendly personal service. 

Whether you are looking to buy, sell, renovating, or simply wanting to know an assets true value, Cityside Valuers are best placed to provide you an independent market valuation with short turnaround and affordable rates.

What characteristics do you consider when valuing a property?

An effective property valuation must consider all property attributes, both positive and negative. This includes location, land size, land shape, topography, the age, layout and condition of buildings, ancillary improvements, proximity to services (e.g. schools, shops and transport), views, aspect, car parking, development potential and encumbrances such as easements.

The most common approach to property valuation is the Direct Comparison approach, whereby recent sales of similar properties are directly compared to the subject property. Adjustments are made for property differences, which may be either tangible or intangible differences.

The Direct Comparison approach works on the principle of substitution, whereby a purchaser would be unwilling to pay more for a specific property than the cost of obtaining a comparable, competitive property with the same utility, in an open market.

There are several other valuation methodologies that may be utilised to determine value, including the Income approach (Capitalisation of net income), Summation, and in some circumstances a Hypothetical Development approach. A diligent valuers will use a minimum of two approaches to determine an assets value.

Place an order or request a quote through our website. We will promptly confirm our fee and arrange access to the property. Following the inspection, our valuer will undertake thorough market research and speak with local real estate agents if necessary. Once finalised, we will forward our valuation report to you via email. Our valuers remain available to discuss any aspect of our report.

Market valuation reports are provided within three business days of the property inspection. Please call us directly if your matter is urgent.

Contact our team today to order an affordable and reliable market valuation for your property.